3-25-13 – Days Are Getting Longer

Even with the weather that we have had recently, there is still some decent ice out there. I had made plans with a buddy to get out in the dark and see if there would be a morning crappie bite. We met in the parking lot at 5:30 and packed up our sleds for the walk in.

We didn’t have to punch any holes but kicking them open took a few thuds. Overnight the temperature was cold enough to put a nice coat on all the holes. With a bit before the sun would start showing over the horizon, we got to work. The fish took a bit to find but when we did, if became apparent very quickly that they were in a very small area. Using glow jigs and maggots, working the crappie took patients and steady jigging action.

As the sun grew higher, the bite went away completely. We had decided the night before that our best bet was to head out when this happened to another spot that had been producing well lately. Just to make sure we were making the right decision, we looked around with our underwater cameras for a bit to make sure the fish weren’t there and just not biting. As our suspicions were confirmed, we knew what our best option was.

When we got to the second spot, the walk in took a short bit. The ice was still solid but the sun beating on it had to be taking a toll. We started off in a spot that was decent a few days earlier. As we fished through the afternoon hours, we found a better concentration of fish migrating towards the swamp. The more holes we punched, the better the fishing got. We ended up having a large area covered and as everyone else cleared out, we had the ice to ourselves.

The rest of the night was spent walking in circles looking for active fish. We found quite a few holes that were more productive than the rest so we used that knowledge to benefit. With productive holes in the back of our mind, we worked these holes in circles so they would have a chance to replenish. As the sun sunk in the sky, the bite slowed more and more. We ended up packing up our gear a little before the sun set, concluding our 13 hour day on the ice. A long day with an even longer drive home!



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